1 Tool to Help with Marketing Automation
In this episode, Ricardo Berris talks to Alice Foeller, the CEO of SiteInSight , about the one tool to help master project management.
The question is, how does a small business with fewer employees help manage client needs without customers falling through the cracks? They look for automated support.
When someone takes an action like opening your email, putting an item in a shopping cart through your website, or answering a phone call, an automated service can begin a domino effect that lets the company know that engagement has been made. Different actions from the customer will lead to particular feedback from the company and these are responses that you want to automate as they lead the customer to potentially purchasing your product or service. Much of the activity leading up to that moment, such as customization, scheduling, and workflow planning is done behind the scenes, however, so when the campaign is ready to launch, all the dominos are lined up and ready to go. When this is done well, it gives the customer a personalized experience that makes them feel cared about and lets them know you value their business.
What is so special about SharpSpring as a revenue growth platform?
-It helps to track all the moving pieces for you so details aren’t accidentally overlooked.
-You’re able to strategically time communication so the customer hears from you regularly.
-They utilize their own abilities to reach out to potential partners.
-They’re transparent about how they move people through their sales funnel so you can see the potential of supporting your own clients in the same way.
-They easily talk to other tools so integration is much easier so you’re able to still own your own product and intellectual property.
-SharpSpring does not try to undercut or sell to clients who are working with their partners.
-The SharpSpring team offers great training and works with integrity.
-Brings together tracking CRMs with marketing and creating content.
-Has unlimited seats.
Who is the ideal SharpSpring customer?
-Retail: Retail is an automated industry so if you’re a small retail business who is not using something like this, you may be using more staff time than you need, you may not be keeping up, or you’re losing opportunities.
-Nonprofits: Many people overlook nonprofits but they’re also working with a budget and marketing as well. They also typically have multiple audiences such as board members, private donors, volunteers, corporate sponsors, etc. SharpSpring is an affordable system that can help with donor management.
-Service Businesses: Examples of these companies include everything from attorneys to tree trimmers. Automatically sending an email to previous customers puts these companies in a position for repeat business.
How is SharpSpring different from other tools?
-The company is committed to being able to integrate with other web-based companies.
-Can interact with email so you’re able to put a timeframe in place for future interactions.
-Very customizable with the option of multiple fields.
-Easy to sync up data.
-Great customer service, especially if you’re not sure how synchronization works.
-You can continue to build your workflow so it works better and better.